This thread is on a hollow cardboard tube that the kittens liked fighting through. Savannah even managed to get her skinny little body almost all the way through the tube!
Now to the mischief! As I was watching the news last night, both kittens were in the room with me, but not in bed. I heard them playing around quietly and I was a little nervous. It was the same quiet playing that a child does when he or she knows they are doing something that would get them in trouble. When I went looking to see what they were doing, I found Savannah playing with my towel, just like Monkey usually does.

When I picked the towel up, I found Monkey hiding under it! Once I took away that "toy" they went looking for something else to play with and found the laundry basket. At first Monkey and Savannah had pulled down a pair of Mister's work pants and were rolling around in them. After picking up that "toy" they started to climb into the laundry basket itself! In one big jump they made it to the top of the laundry and the fun ensued! The video might be hard to see because it was taken in the dark. If you can't see it well, leave a comment with your e-mail and I'll send the clip your way!

This morning, after Mister left for work, I caught Savvy playing with one of the mice that was up on the dining room table. I figured Mister had given them the mice before leaving and I just didn't notice. About ten minutes later, it got eerily quiet again, so I went looking for them. I found that Miss Savannah had used the scratching post in the dining room to jump up onto the table! She was just laying there with "what-did-I-do-wrong?" eyes.


With our decision to become a three cat house, I felt it was time to get collars for Monkey and Savannah.
It was really funny to watch them try and play with the bells that were on the collars, while the collar was on them!
After a few minutes of indulging in the cuteness, we removed the bells for our own sanity. Kitty all ready has one and three was a little too much! Twenty-four hours later, the collars were shelved till Savannah and Monkey get a little bigger; somehow, Monkey managed to get his front paw stuck between his neck and the collar!
Now that we have gone from five kittens to only two, Mister and I started to sleep with the door open again. Little Miss Savannah can come in to snuggle with us whenever she wants. Though most of the time , she and Monkey come in and wrestle all over us! I also learned the hard way not to sleep with a sheet; it seems my toes, not matter what time of night, have become chew toys! The two of them love to play hid and seek in the blankie too!
We've also discovered Monkey has some interesting obsessions. For instance, he cannot get enough of Mister and shoes! He'll roll in them, fight with them, even put his head inside them!
Today I was witness to something really special. Mister and I always hear Kitty playing with the kittens but never really see it. If she chases them into a room in which we are sitting, she instantly stops. I did some guerrilla filming and caught Kitty and Savannah on "tape." The following is a composition of everyone being cute! I'm slowly learning how to use Windows Movie Maker, hence all the home movies. Its an amazing program and I love using it!
Its nice to have a big family. I know that Socks, Belly, and Schrodinger are all having fun at their respective homes; and Kitty, Monkey, and Savvy are all enjoying themselves too! If you ever get a chance to help a pregnant kitty, go for it! The experience will change your life!

Big special thanks to the guest editor/producer! I hope you'll be guest blogging soon!

And a kitten video to tide you over till next post. We have a few prospects for sending Savannah and Belly elsewhere, but no decisions yet. Since he's been ignored these past couple of weeks, here is Monkey playing with a new toy, MICE! Mister and I cannot figure out what is so amazing about these little pieces of fuzz that drives these kittens crazy!
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