Thursday, November 12, 2009

Boy oh boy, these kittens are getting bigger by the day! I just had a vet visit with the Savvy girl and she weighs just as much as Monkey did at his last visit! Just like any lady, she holds her weight in different places. I know the title of this post might get you thinking that Mister and I have a rodent problem in the house, but I assure you, the mice are fake and the birds are outside. The mice that I'm talking about are actually felt covered balls of plaster, sometimes filled with catnip, and are every cat's dream! They fly, bat, scoot, hide, and easily provide hours of fun for both human and cat; once again, its very interesting to see how each kitten plays with them.
Savannah likes to think both of the mice are for her. When I toss the mice to the kittens initially, she's the first to catch one; then I toss the other one to Monkey, and with her's still in her mouth, Savannah goes running after Monkey's! And she growls when any of the cats come near her mouse. Savannah will then take the mouse someplace private and eviscerate the poor thing. See, that's the fun for the human: trying to find the bits and pieces so they don't eat the plaster! Lately, Miss Savvy has decided to start drowning her mice. I think she gets thirsty from tossing 'em around and just leaves it in the water bowl when she's done drinking. Another fun part for the humans, to make sure the drowned mice don't get resurrected to be tossed around; unless you want to dye your carpet the color of the wet mouse!
Monkey, on the other hand, loves to wrestle with his mice. He'll come into the living room and throw the mouse all around the room and chase after it. I've even seen him throw it into the air and swat it back down. Mister and I always know when he's done playing with it, because it ends up in the food dish, usually looking like this unfortunate victim (for those with weak stomachs or are against the unethical treatment of felt covered animals look away now!):
I think he's started hiding the mice when he's done playing with them, so Savannah can't get them. This morning, I heard the kittens wresting and found them to be playing with a yellow mouse! I can't remember the last time I gave him a yellow one. Anyways, I know how big a hog Savannah can be so I went and got a purple one for Monkey to enjoy! Good golly, that cat flopped around the living room, until the mouse went under the couch, the first time. I retrieved the poor thing for Monkey and he continued to flop around. Then it got quite, and as I've said in past posts, that usually isn't a good thing. Well, I found the two of them playing with the same yellow mouse again, and the purple one was nowhere to be seen. Assuming it was under the couch again, I went and got a big stick and rummaged around under there and out popped a blue mouse! Now, as you saw, the yellow one is dead and the blue and purple ones are missing!
Last week, during one of the rainier days, I went to check on Kitty, who likes to sleep on the futon in Mister's bedroom, and found Savannah staring at the blinds. Upon closer inspection, I found she was intently watching a Cardinal sitting on the window sill. I slowly opened the blinds and the kittens went crazy! There were cardinals all over the backyard and Monkey and Savannah wanted at them! I got some really great shots of Monkey looking somberly and longingly out the window. Don't let the light pouring in through the window fool you, its actually raining pretty hard in this video.
They spent all day in front of that window!
Savannah likes to think both of the mice are for her. When I toss the mice to the kittens initially, she's the first to catch one; then I toss the other one to Monkey, and with her's still in her mouth, Savannah goes running after Monkey's! And she growls when any of the cats come near her mouse. Savannah will then take the mouse someplace private and eviscerate the poor thing. See, that's the fun for the human: trying to find the bits and pieces so they don't eat the plaster! Lately, Miss Savvy has decided to start drowning her mice. I think she gets thirsty from tossing 'em around and just leaves it in the water bowl when she's done drinking. Another fun part for the humans, to make sure the drowned mice don't get resurrected to be tossed around; unless you want to dye your carpet the color of the wet mouse!
Monkey, on the other hand, loves to wrestle with his mice. He'll come into the living room and throw the mouse all around the room and chase after it. I've even seen him throw it into the air and swat it back down. Mister and I always know when he's done playing with it, because it ends up in the food dish, usually looking like this unfortunate victim (for those with weak stomachs or are against the unethical treatment of felt covered animals look away now!):
I think he's started hiding the mice when he's done playing with them, so Savannah can't get them. This morning, I heard the kittens wresting and found them to be playing with a yellow mouse! I can't remember the last time I gave him a yellow one. Anyways, I know how big a hog Savannah can be so I went and got a purple one for Monkey to enjoy! Good golly, that cat flopped around the living room, until the mouse went under the couch, the first time. I retrieved the poor thing for Monkey and he continued to flop around. Then it got quite, and as I've said in past posts, that usually isn't a good thing. Well, I found the two of them playing with the same yellow mouse again, and the purple one was nowhere to be seen. Assuming it was under the couch again, I went and got a big stick and rummaged around under there and out popped a blue mouse! Now, as you saw, the yellow one is dead and the blue and purple ones are missing!
Last week, during one of the rainier days, I went to check on Kitty, who likes to sleep on the futon in Mister's bedroom, and found Savannah staring at the blinds. Upon closer inspection, I found she was intently watching a Cardinal sitting on the window sill. I slowly opened the blinds and the kittens went crazy! There were cardinals all over the backyard and Monkey and Savannah wanted at them! I got some really great shots of Monkey looking somberly and longingly out the window. Don't let the light pouring in through the window fool you, its actually raining pretty hard in this video.
They spent all day in front of that window!
If there is ever a time that Kitty or Savannah go missing, I always know I can find them in Mister's office. Kitty curls up into a tight ball and camouflages into the futon and Savannah likes to sleep on Mister's clothes; Monkey can always be found under the recliner on the couch. Every now and then though, all the cats find interesting places to pass out. We bought two cat beds for them to sleep in, but I don't think the babies understand how they work!
Monkey has been finding himself in interesting hiding spaces too! After a day of shoe shopping, I left the bag on the dining room table and came back to find Monkey very comfortable.
As these kittens are getting bigger, they are finding new and interesting places to hide or sleep. As I mentioned in the last post, Miss Savvy is always looking for new places to hide; she's even started to hide on us!
Monkey has been finding himself in interesting hiding spaces too! After a day of shoe shopping, I left the bag on the dining room table and came back to find Monkey very comfortable.
He decided to help me out with my arts and crafts too! This time, his job was to keep the stuffing fluffy and warm, instead of fighting my yarn.
I hope you enjoyed another installment of Missy's Corner! Have a good weekend from all of us sleepy-heads here in Georgia! Have a happy Thanksgiving if I don't post before then!
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