Thursday, June 17, 2010
I'm sorry its been so long since my last post,
especially now, when you need it most.
happenings in the day,
drain your spirit away.
But I can assure you everything will get better,
once you read this little letter.

Dear Mister,

The cats and I would like to say,
and there is no other way,
to express our love for you
hopefully, you'll feel better once we're through.

Whether its three in the morning whining,
or four in the morning dinning,
Kitty and Monkey treasure
their sick pleasure
of your dutifully getting out of bed
to make sure all are fed.
And though we both may moan,
we know its better then sleeping alone.

As for Her Royal Highness,
Savannah, Queen of Slyness
She'll never out right show,
She loves you head to toe,
Instead she will snuggle with your shirt
and use her cat yoga to flirt. 

These babies and their mama running about
is the greatest thing without a doubt.
"But what about Missy?" you may inquire,
as this poem proves, you inspire.

You inspire me to paint
without restraint;
The cats, scenes, and flowers
there is no better way to pass the hours.

You inspire me to be me,
afterall, I forced you to watch "Glee"!
And though you'll never publicly admit,
you liked it quite a bit!

You inspire me to grow
learn to go with the flow,
"There is no reason to worry"
"We are in no hurry."

Selfish this poem may seem
but its goal is to raise your self-esteem.
Its to remind you what you'll come home to,
despite your day being askew.

I can guarantee,
that me and cats three
cannot wait till you are home
*psst* I think Savannah wants a comb!

<3 Always
Missy and the Three

While writing down this little note
I'm amazed with what I wrote.
Hearing back, it made you smile,
makes this post all worthwhile.

There is only thirty minutes left of work
here's to hoping you don't go beserk.
I'll pray to the traffic gods
but what are the odds?

Can't wait to see you soon!  *KISSIES!*
(and I took everyone off the e-mail list but you... so this one is publicly posted, but privately announced.)
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