Monday, December 21, 2009
Before I get into the meat of this post, let me be the first to welcome you to the newly designed "Missy's Corner"!  I recently got a demo version of a blog editor called "Artisteer 2" and had lots of fun with the program.  It allowed me to change the background, fonts, colors and pictures without any problems.  Look for more updates in the future!

Now to the actual post!  This past Saturday, Mister and I saw the movie "Avatar," and about one hour into the movie I said to myself, "You have got to review this movie on your blog!"  I'm usually skeptical about movies that garner whispers of Oscar nods before they even premier, but this movie deserved them.

Twelve years ago, Mr. James Cameron made a little movie called "Titanic" and he had girls of all ages going crazy; while some of my friends actually paid the money to see "Leo" five times, I had no desire to see it.  Not until "Titanic" showed on HBO, did I realize how amazing a movie it was.  By then, everyone had moved on and I was able to enjoy the movie for the cinematic story it was, not the drool fest the characters were.  When rumors of Cameron's new movie started surfacing I was once again leery.  After all, this new movie was supposed to "change the future of movies forever," and those are pretty big shoes to fill! Then I saw the original previews; with just the smallest of glimpses into Cameron's supposed masterpiece, I was definitely intrigued.  There were no hints into the plot, just peeks at amazing scenery and mysterious characters.  But, once the release date started nearing, new previews were made that dripped in plot and kind of ruined my desire to see "Avatar."  It was starting to look like the "same-old" romance movies like "Dances with Wolves," or one of these new fangled "political opinion" movies; and Mister and I already subjected ourselves to "an eye-popping yet cannily intelligent blast of social commentary" called "District 9."

Anthony Lane of The New Yorker wrote "You don’t feel bamboozled, fooled, or patronized by “District 9,” as you did by most of the summer blockbusters. You feel winded, shaken, and shamed."  While I find part of that statement to be true, Mister and I did walk out of the theater "winded, shaken, and shamed," the rest is for lack of a better phrase, horse-honky!  The summer movie that was supposed to redefine Sci-Fi and make you take a personal look at humanity, made me want to hunt down Mr. Peter Jackson and rip his brain out so he can't direct or produce any more movies!  I should have learned my lesson when I paid good money to sit through his mockery of a remake "King Kong!"  While I laud the director for making the aliens in "District 9" less Disney-like and appealing, he went overboard in their appearance; as well as the political dissonance and the vilification of humans.


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