Monday, April 20, 2009
As I was laying on the bed today, deeply indulged in my ACC 154 Personal Finance reading (hear the biting sarcasm), I hear the meows of our closet monsters. This time the cry sounded different though, almost distressful. I jumped out of bed and grabbed the flashlight so I didn't have to open the closet door and disturb Kitty and her brood, just in case I was over reacting. I look inside to find two of the five kittens smacking away at each other, while trying to latch onto the same nipple! This is not the first time I've witnessed a battle like this, Mister called me to watch the same ordeal last night; but the ferociousness of their meows and unrelenting swipes were just too cute not to share! I especially love the way Kitty tries to stop the fighting with her head! The video maybe a little dark, after all they are living in a closet!


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