Also, this past week we've been able to see more and more of their individual personalities. Miss Savannah has taken up sleeping on the back of the couch, like Kitty, and climbing the baby fence even though its propped up against the wall; Socks learned there is a space between the kitchen counters and the dishwasher that leads to the kitchen cabinets under the sink; Schrodinger has somehow managed to get to the third shelf of our living room book shelf; and Monkey tried to go through the taped hole in our TV box fort. These kittens are also starting to purr when they are happy! Mister was able to take a recording of all the kittens purring at once while nursing.
Well, that's the post for this week! There probably won't be another till 2 weeks because Mister and I are going on vacation this weekend. The kittens and Kitty will be boarded at the vet for the weekend; lets hope everything will work out and go according to plan! Till then, enjoy the cuteness!

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