Friday, June 19, 2009
At long last, the promised kitten post! Now that I got the boring parts (yeah right!) of my mundane life out of the way, its time to start writing about what you really come here for: Mister and Missy's Adventure in Raising Kittens! Its been more then the two weeks promised, but hopefully its worth the wait.

Lets start with when we got back from Flagler. When we picked up the crate of kittens (and Kitty) from the vet, it was obvious these guys had grown. Even in the four days we were gone, the kittens looked like they had doubled in size! It was time to buy new toys again! While the "ribbons on a stick" was still a useful toy, they were starting to out grow sleeping behind the recliner; so we went out and got cubby holes and another toy. Now they have a place to lounge, pounce, and ambush each other!

These guys have also taken to sleeping on and around us! Monkey does most of the cute sleeping and Belly says "Thanks Mom and Dad for the new Wii game! The box is most comfortable!"

Since these guys are now nine weeks old, and the gate doesn't seem to do much anymore, they now move freely around the house. The bonus room serves as our kitten playroom and the kitchen serves as the relaxation room-since the tile floor stays so nice and cool. They also have free range in our room, which has turned up some interesting hiding places!

Belly found a nice hiding place in old stomping grounds. On top of our old wicker laundry basket in our bedroom closet.

Socks managed to find his way on top of my dresser, then fell into the trash trying to get down!

I think by far though, the hiding place these kittens found when I was vacuuming last week, takes the cake. Take a look!

That's right! They somehow managed to find away to get underneath my dresser! The next video is of Socks trying to fight with someone, I think Savannah, who is underneath the bottom drawer. The way she pulls her paw back under in the beginning is very reminiscent of the Witch's feet curling under the house in the Wizard of Oz.

After a few days though, it went from cute to obnoxious. Now I had to check under the drawer every time I wanted to leave the house or close the bedroom door behind me. My solution was to pull it out; now there was nothing special to my dresser. WRONG! Wednesday night, while Mister was coming home from work, I couldn't find four of the kittens! I looked everywhere, even behind the washer and dryer! Somehow, these little rascals bypassed the bottom drawer-that wasn't there- and climbed into the next one! We opened the second to last drawer and found Savannah, Belly, and Schrodinger sleeping in there!

Not only have they been finding new places to climb in the room, they've really taken to climbing us. Monkey and Schrodinger like to be parrots. When we pick them up to hold or snuggle, they will walk across our chest or back to sit on a shoulder. I enjoy watching Mister with a kitten on his shoulder; it reminds me of watching him and his parrot Bogey.

I was going through my pictures for this post during the week and I came across one of Savannah sleeping and thought, "Wow! Doesn't she look like her mother!" So I put two pictures side by side (the blog is really helping with my photoshop skills! Still not perfect though... thanks Mister) and you can be the judge!

She also managed to make the jump from the top of the dresser to the bed.

Sadly though, tomorrow our brood will become four. Socks is now old enough to go and live with his new family, if the vet clears him tomorrow. I have a special post planned and hopefully it will work.



Anonymous said...

"Socks is now old enough to go and live with his new family..."

Dear Socks,

I wish to welcome you to a family that continues to put the "fun" in "dysfunctional"... :D


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