Saturday, October 17, 2009
WHOA! Two posts in the same day!? What has gotten into this girl?! Tehehehe! Don't deny you weren't thinking it! This post, is a special post to honor our kittens' 6 month birthday! I got in contact with the families of Belly (now Pippin), Schrodinger, and Socks to see how much their babies have grown, and boy have they!  Along with pictures, I had everyone send a little blurb about life with the kittens and its interesting to see how much they have in common, despite living in separate homes.


"Schrodinger is doing great. He and Jinx love each other and play all the time. Between the two of them, our apartment is almost completely remodeled every time we leave. Definitely never a dull moment. Oddly enough, Schrodinger loves water and I find him in the bathtub or sleeping in the sink all the time. I attached a pic of him long-catting across a chair. He's huge now but he still has his kitten face!"


Schrodinger "long-catting" and Jinx


"my name is zoe and i am the adoptive mother of pippin. ryan is my boyfriend, the father of course :). we are in love with him! he is one crazy kitty with amazing ear hair behind his ears!!! he looks like an old man. he definitely has grown since we first got him...he loves to crawl under our blanket at night and lay at our feet while we sleep. oh and, he looooves to play fetch with me, yes i know it is strange! i know of dogs that don't even play fetch. he just grabs a toy mouse and brings it to me so i can throw it for him to repeat the process...and right now, he was sleeping on the top of the couch behind me and reached out to put his paw on my shoulder and keeps passing out. you know those times in school where we fall asleep and our head becomes heavy and falls then we jerk back up to catch it? yeah, he is doing that right now. hahaha."




Socks is in love in his new apartment (yes, it's his, the rest of us just live here), although he plots daily to escape one day while the door is open... if only just for a few hours... He has made a great friend in Camlo (who, at 4 years old, is at the same level of destructiveness as Socks), and once saved Camlo from a particularly ferocious cockroach (who soon after became a lunchtime snack)! He has even started sleeping next to me on the bed at night... when he's actually sleeping and not attacking my feet! He's getting big, finally fits into the collar that was about 3 inches too large when we got it for him, and has started eating so much that I've had to upgrade his food/water setup (although I ignore his incessant whining about not being able to overeat like Garfield). Overall, he's doing great, and is an integral part of our family :)

Socks can be reached for comment at



WOW, those kittens have really grown and changed!  Can you believe the coat on Pippin? Or how tiger-like Socks looks?  I find it very interesting how much Monkey and Schrodinger look alike; I think I can say, without a doubt, that those two are twins.

Monkey and Savannah are still growing too!  As of Monkey's last vet appointment, he weighed in at 7.5lbs and still has a long way to go!  He still spends most of the day snuggled up on the couch, under the recliner, or next to the husband pillow.  Mister and I still can't believe he can get under that chair.  I know one day we'll come home to him stuck under there!  This "little" boy is also a major snuggle hog!  There isn't a day that goes by where he cries for one of us to find and pet him.  Just last night, Mister had his feet up on the table and Monkey climbed up and fell asleep.  He always uses his big fluffy tail to announce his presence, and if Monkey feels you are paying too much attention to your laptop and not enough to him, he's found a way to let you know.

Miss Savannah is still her petite self, but has a gorgeous coat color.  From certain angles she looks almost black but is in fact a really dark charcoal gray, with a light gray undercoat.  When the light is right, you can even see her stripes!  Miss Savvy has taken a liking to hiding under the covers; actually, its more like anything that can cover her!  Whether it's a blanket, newspaper, or jacket as long as it is dark, she's happy and she'll purr real loudly to let you know!  Savanna, likes to get into a lot of mischief too, and recently started jumping from the bed onto Mister's dresser to chase the fish!  But when she isn't being "Under Cover Toe-Eating Monster" Savannah loves chasing and snuggling with her brother.

Of course I can't finish this post without mentioning the greatest cat of all, Kitty.  Without that sweet, loving cat there would be no Pippin, Schrodinger, Socks, Monkey, and Savannah; there certainly wouldn't be a "Missy's Corner" too!  Every time I look at our beautiful babies, I thank her for coming into our lives and putting up with us humans. Since her babies are growing up, she has started to gain some real weight.  Gone is the scraggly, "skinny-ma-link" that first came to our doorstep.  Kitty has also started to show a lighter more playful side, too, occasionally chasing the kittens around the house and snuggling with us at night.



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