Thursday, September 3, 2009

This past Friday, Monkey underwent his special little surgery, and the experience was hard. I knew that it was in his best interest, like it is for all domesticated animals, but I didn't think it would be so heart-wrenching; and the weather that day didn't make the experience any better. If you live in or near Atlanta, you knew how bad the weather was; torrential down-pours, lightening that made the hair on your arms stand up, and thunder that sounded like semi-trucks crashing into each other at ninety miles per hour was how the day started. I packed up my little boy and drove him out to the area where the doctor was set up, listening to his sad whimpering through the whole trip; you'd have thought Monkey knew what was going to happen once we got there! Then, after the technician was finished explaining how the day was to work, I was told to leave him underneath the awing and someone inside would come out to get him. My heart was in agony for the little guy! He has never been a fan of the outdoors and now I was supposed to leave him outside, on the wet pavement, in the pouring rain, thunder, and lightening!? Luckily, I had put him right at the front and he was the first crate taken in.
When Monkey got home, the hilarity ensued! I figured the anesthesia would make him drowsy and just a little tipsy, but I was wrong! Monkey couldn't keep still or walk straight and he would not lie down; he looked like a frat boy that had one too many drinks. Whenever Kitty or Savannah would go into the litter box, he'd barrel in there and do nothing but move the litter around, forcing the girls out. He also decided to pick a fight with the water in the water bowl! Monkey would use his paw to pull the bowl closer to him, causing some of the water to splash out and get him wet. Well, he didn't like that and decided to use his other paw to attack the water! I was prepared and got some of this on video:
Now, Monkey is back to normal and is just as snuggly as ever! That cat genuinely loves to be near Mister and me; and what's really nice is Savannah is starting to snuggle too! Both have taken a liking to Mister's feet and the husband pillow we keep on the floor in the living room.

The two of them have become like "peas and carrots;" especially, when getting into mischief!
The really interesting thing about watching these kittens grow up is seeing the differences in the way they play. I think I've mentioned before how loud Savannah growls when she's busy eviscerating a mouse, while Monkey just throws it around. I also noticed that Savannah likes her privacy when playing with prey. For example, I'm currently working on a crocheted doily that requires me to string beads onto the thread; since thread and string all ready enticed the kittens, the beads just added to their pleasure. Despite the beads being attached and the string in my hand, Savannah always insists on trying to drag the string of beads away. On the other hand, Monkey just bats and plays with the beads wherever they land!
On a completely different note, the paint box that I mentioned in my last post (ribbon decoupage kitty litter bucket) is finished! Here's the end result:

Doesn't Monkey look like a bear rug in that top left picture?! He loves to spread out like that anywhere in the house. He's also started to curl up with his sister.

The two of them have become like "peas and carrots;" especially, when getting into mischief!
The really interesting thing about watching these kittens grow up is seeing the differences in the way they play. I think I've mentioned before how loud Savannah growls when she's busy eviscerating a mouse, while Monkey just throws it around. I also noticed that Savannah likes her privacy when playing with prey. For example, I'm currently working on a crocheted doily that requires me to string beads onto the thread; since thread and string all ready enticed the kittens, the beads just added to their pleasure. Despite the beads being attached and the string in my hand, Savannah always insists on trying to drag the string of beads away. On the other hand, Monkey just bats and plays with the beads wherever they land!
On a completely different note, the paint box that I mentioned in my last post (ribbon decoupage kitty litter bucket) is finished! Here's the end result:

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