Friday, May 29, 2009

I started my post yesterday by mentioning a picture of all the kittens and completely forgot to add it to the post!! And there is an added bonus! Yesterday, I accidentally left the gate open and Belly decided to explore behind the refrigerator! Luckily he came right out. Also, Mister got a special treat; Savannah and Schrodinger decided to snuggle up with him on the floor last night, which in turn put him to sleep!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

As the weeks go flying by, the lights are slowly switching on in all of these little brains. I decided to start this post with pictures of all five kittens to show how much they've grown and matured. As of last night, all of them have used the litter box and had "real" food. On Saturday, Mister and I take the kittens to start their shots, which means they are free to go home with whoever wants them. Sad I know, but Mister and I are going to try and hold onto them as long as possible.
Over this past holiday weekend, Mister and I made it our priority to try and get Belly, Savannah, and Schrodinger caught up with Monkey and Socks when it came to food and litter use. As it turned out, Belly's name is becoming more appropriate with each and every day. We tried using wet food to entice the three into eating grown up food and Belly took to it immediately!

Meanwhile, Savannah and Schrodinger could not stop nursing; they would even try while Kitty was eating! So last night, I brought all of the kittens into the bathroom and kept Kitty out. I then gave all the kittens three options of food: dry kitten food, wet food, and a mixture of wet food and a formula called Kitten Milk Replacement (KMR). While Monkey, Socks, and Belly were gorging themselves on the shmorgasbord before them, Savannah and Schrodinger wanted nothing to do with the food. I even went so far as to put their little paws and faces into the mixture so they were forced to taste it! After trying for a long time, with no success, I let Kitty in and filled her bowl with adult cat food. All of a sudden, Savannah and Schrodinger are starting to eat! Who would have thought the adult food would entice them!
As they are getting older, they are also getting more fierce when playing; teeth and claws are always out, especially with us! I remembered reading somewhere that straws are a good way to train kittens that fingers are not for biting, so I bought 100 neon straws and threw a bunch on the living room floor. Who knew they would be so much fun!
These little guys are also starting to climb all over the place! Since they moved into the living room, Mister and I had to watch them and make sure they didn't chew on the wires behind the TV. We solved that problem by putting a box around the TV stand! Now they are climbing all over everything and wherever they can!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Socks and Monkey are officially big boys now! Caught both of them using the litter box yesterday and today! Its cute because we've set up a "kitten litterbox" (i.e. one of the shallow disposable baking tin pans with organic litter) and Monkey has yet to use that box; he insists on climbing into Kitty's box and using hers! I now know how it feels to be that parent that freaks out when baby uses the potty for the first time. (I got to use my photoshop "skills" and clean up this picture a little bit!)

Today was also the first day that I witnessed Socks eating the solid food. No one else is really interested, except for Kitty. Its funny because its the exact same food in her bowl, but if you add water to it and put the damp food in another bowl, she thinks its caviar! Miss Savannah also showed how daring she can be by climbing half way up the baby gate! There is no space in this house she will leave unturned. She WILL find a way over that gate!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

In these past two weeks, these kittens have changed literally by leaps and bounds. No longer showing fear, they manage to put themselves in some interesting and new situations. Running around the room and pouncing on one another, Mister and I are slowly realizing they won't be with us much longer.
As I was sitting in the living room this morning, I watched Kitty scale the baby gate with Socks in mouth. After moving back into the bedroom, I came to the realize that Kitty is relying on Mister and I as a babysitting/nanny service! She was moving her kitttens to be closer to us, when we were in the room. As I was editing this post, Monkey was at the side of the bed crying to come up; once up on the bed, he climbed up onto my chest and curled up and snuggled a long time.

Its also nice to know the collapsible bed we bought at the "beginning" of Kitty's pregnancy is finally being used! Now all the kittens sleep in there, which is nice because I don't have to watch where I step! Savannah likes to jump into one end and out the other, but when I try to catch it on video, she stops!
Mr. Monkey is by far the most mature of all his siblings; I caught him trying to eat Kitty's kibbles. I took some from her bowl and soaked them to make them easier to eat, with great success! Today, after class, I caught the little bugger snooping around Kitty's litter box. The video is impossible to edit (sorry!) He's also started to try climbing the baby fence we have up to keep them out of the rest of the house. Mister is also having fun using a laser pointer to drive Socks crazy!
Friday, May 15, 2009

First and foremost, I figured out how to set up the blog to e-mail certain people when I publish posts. I hope you got an e-mail telling you to check out the blog! If you did, great; If you did and you don't want to be notified, then e-mail me and let me know! If you didn't get an e-mail, again drop me a line!
Wednesday May 13th, 2009
Oh boy was this a big day in kitten history! All morning Kitty was cooing, purring, and making a lot of noise in general; completely out of character. Around noon, I was worried that something was wrong with the kittens, leading to Kitty's outcries. When I checked behind the bed, Kitty came out, followed by Socks. What happend next was, again, out of character for the cat. She picked up her baby and walked out of the room! When I saw her leave the room I thought she was taking him to the bathroom where we keep the litter and food. But I was wrong! She was trying to move them right in front of my eyes! I stopped the attempt and she just put him down, which gave Socks the excuse to wander the house! This was also the first day that these kittens learned they can used their little, but sharp, claws to climb up objects. Now I know how it feels to be Kitty, having all those babies crawling and jumping on her! I grabbed the camera and some cuteness ensued.

(Top Left: Savannah climbed into the little cubby hole on the tv stand and tried to coax Monkey to join her; Top Right: All babies out from behind the bed; Bottom Left: Socks climbing Mt. Missy! Boy are my knees scratched up! Bottom Right: Mommy and baby wondering the house)
Since Kitty was trying to move the little monsters the day before, I left them alone. Instead, I have more pictures of the brood exploring outside of the room! Oh, and I was honored as being one of 140 students inducted into the charter of Phi Theta Kappa, the International Honor Society for Two-Year Colleges. YAY!!

On the left we have Schrodinger sitting in our bedroom doorway. I love this picture because it shows just how small and vulnerable these kittens are. On the right, Socks, Savannah, and Monkey explore the bathroom and tile floor for the first time.

The last time I posted, there were pictures and video of kittens playing and exploring. I can tell you off the bat, this one won't be much different. In fact, all the pictures are of the kittens playing and explore, but more so then ever! Mister kept pushing me to blog everyday so I didn't have such a massive amount to put in one post. I think I'm going to take his suggestion and start posting pictures without saying much. Just let everyone revel in the cuteness that is kittens. But enough of my babbling about nothing and onto the kittens! (I'll try and keep the babbling to a minimum through this post and keep it picture focused)
Monday May 11, 2009
After my post about Socks and Savannah becoming more adventuresome, the other kittens decided to follow suit that night! All of a sudden, Mister and I became kitten playgrounds!
Tuesday May 12th, 2009
Slowly, one by one, they started to come out from behind the bed and explore the room. During the day Socks, Savannah, Schrodinger, and Monkey all investigated along the wall and out into the room a little. Belly was still being shy, until Mister and I showed him what he was missing later that night! (Top Left: Monkey investigating my legs; Top Right: Monkey and Savannah checking out my toes and legs; Bottom Left: Belly, when he finally came out from behind the bed; Bottom Right: Schrodinger and my pretty red toes again!)
Wednesday May 13th, 2009
Oh boy was this a big day in kitten history! All morning Kitty was cooing, purring, and making a lot of noise in general; completely out of character. Around noon, I was worried that something was wrong with the kittens, leading to Kitty's outcries. When I checked behind the bed, Kitty came out, followed by Socks. What happend next was, again, out of character for the cat. She picked up her baby and walked out of the room! When I saw her leave the room I thought she was taking him to the bathroom where we keep the litter and food. But I was wrong! She was trying to move them right in front of my eyes! I stopped the attempt and she just put him down, which gave Socks the excuse to wander the house! This was also the first day that these kittens learned they can used their little, but sharp, claws to climb up objects. Now I know how it feels to be Kitty, having all those babies crawling and jumping on her! I grabbed the camera and some cuteness ensued.

(Top Left: Savannah climbed into the little cubby hole on the tv stand and tried to coax Monkey to join her; Top Right: All babies out from behind the bed; Bottom Left: Socks climbing Mt. Missy! Boy are my knees scratched up! Bottom Right: Mommy and baby wondering the house)
Thursday, May 14th, 2009
Since Kitty was trying to move the little monsters the day before, I left them alone. Instead, I have more pictures of the brood exploring outside of the room! Oh, and I was honored as being one of 140 students inducted into the charter of Phi Theta Kappa, the International Honor Society for Two-Year Colleges. YAY!!

Today, Friday May 15th, 2009
The day was just beginning when I started writing this post, and now its just about half over. The only new and interesting thing since yesterday was that the kittens spent most of the night sleeping in the corner my dresser and the wall made, instead of behind the bed. I hope everyone enjoys this long-winded post and looks forward to the next. Till next time from all of us!

Monday, May 11, 2009

This weekend was fun and filled with kittens! This post will be picutre and video filled with not much written commentary, for your viewing pleasure!
To celebrate turning 3 weeks old, Socks and Savannah chose to explore outside from under the bed! On Saturday and Sunday, they took the initiative in investigating Mister's toes and other things around the room! There are monsters under the bed that will eat your toes!
We also have some videos that are of "better" quality and have guest commentary by Mister!
Now, it turns out Socks has an ulterior motive to coming out from behind the bed. He is the whiniest of all the kittens when Mister or I put him on the bed. Socks has also learned that if he makes enough noise, Kitty will come back into the room. So on Sunday, he pulled a cute little stunt that Mister caught the tail end of on video. We were getting ready to head out to eat when Mister heard a kitten crying. When he came into the room, Socks was almost out!
Just as Mister grabbed the camera, Kitty came to Socks's rescue!
Friday, May 8, 2009

Today is a wonderful day,
These kittens are beginning to play
They tackle and tumble
But no longer fumble.
More adventurous are they,
Get out of their way
Miss Savannah is the most curious all,
No longer has that unsure sprawl.
Her blue eyes are slowly turning gray,
Still the prettiest flower in the bouquet!
Belly is still real shy,
And keeps his belly to the sky!
With his coat, a beautiful two-tone
Giving him away, I bemoan.
Socks is up next.
He plays with other kittens necks!
Socks walks with an interesting swagger,
He must think he's Mick Jagger!
Schrodinger is very unique
Named so, because we are geeks!
Every time I sneak a peek
He seems very meek.
Last but not least we have Monkey,
Who turned out to be very spunky!
He leaves no stone unturned
That name, he certainly did earn!
And of course we still have Kitty
Who is a cat, so pretty!
And with this coming Mother's Day,
I'm thankful we found this stray!
For Mister, I hope this poem did please
Just enough to put you at ease.
After this, work should go by like the breeze
Then you come home to a big squeeze!
Your Missy
Tuesday, May 5, 2009

UPDATE: The kittens have all been named as of last night. Names are in different colors next to pictures!
So before we get to the utter cuteness, our trip to the vet was uneventful, but what happened before hand was interesting. After two weeks of closet monsters, Kitty decided it was time for a change of scenery; so now there are monsters under our king-sized bed! All kittens and Kitty are in good health, and boy, do those little bodies have big cries! One of the nurses helping out with the exam said she could hear one of the kittens down the hall! According to the doctor we definitely have one girl and it looks like the other four are boys. At this age its still hard to tell. Anyways, on to the cuteness! Meet the monsters under the bed:

This here is Belly. Mister and I decided to call him that because every time we watch or look at the kittens, this one is on his back with his cute belly showing! (boy)

Here we have Monkey because when Kitty moved them behind the bed, he was the most curious. "George" is too strange for a kitten. (boy)

This was the best shot of the brown, striped and spotted kitten we've affectionately been calling Fuzzball. But as he's getting older, he's losing that fuzziness. When I pulled each kitten out one at a time, he was the only one to actively investigate his surroundings. He was also the only kitten to find his way back to the brood on his own. (boy) His new name is Socks because of his little white socks.

This is our last boy, and was the first and only kitten I shot on the bed because his little claws were out and got caught on the mattress. (boy) Schrodinger, because you have to have a nerdy cat!
And last, but not least, is our only baby girl! She was very aware of my hands and sudden movements. She was also the only one not to cry when I was holding her in my arms. She also decided to explore ME while I was holding her. This is Savannah, beautiful name, for the beautiful kitten.
So that is the brood of monsters living under our bed! If anyone has suggestions for names of the last three please feel free to leave a comment!
So before we get to the utter cuteness, our trip to the vet was uneventful, but what happened before hand was interesting. After two weeks of closet monsters, Kitty decided it was time for a change of scenery; so now there are monsters under our king-sized bed! All kittens and Kitty are in good health, and boy, do those little bodies have big cries! One of the nurses helping out with the exam said she could hear one of the kittens down the hall! According to the doctor we definitely have one girl and it looks like the other four are boys. At this age its still hard to tell. Anyways, on to the cuteness! Meet the monsters under the bed:
This here is Belly. Mister and I decided to call him that because every time we watch or look at the kittens, this one is on his back with his cute belly showing! (boy)
Here we have Monkey because when Kitty moved them behind the bed, he was the most curious. "George" is too strange for a kitten. (boy)
This was the best shot of the brown, striped and spotted kitten we've affectionately been calling Fuzzball. But as he's getting older, he's losing that fuzziness. When I pulled each kitten out one at a time, he was the only one to actively investigate his surroundings. He was also the only kitten to find his way back to the brood on his own. (boy) His new name is Socks because of his little white socks.
This is our last boy, and was the first and only kitten I shot on the bed because his little claws were out and got caught on the mattress. (boy) Schrodinger, because you have to have a nerdy cat!
And last, but not least, is our only baby girl! She was very aware of my hands and sudden movements. She was also the only one not to cry when I was holding her in my arms. She also decided to explore ME while I was holding her. This is Savannah, beautiful name, for the beautiful kitten.
So that is the brood of monsters living under our bed! If anyone has suggestions for names of the last three please feel free to leave a comment!
Friday, May 1, 2009

So I jumped the gun in updating yesterday when today is the kittens' 2 week birthday! That little 5 second clip was just too cute to withhold another day! But, today was the first day I had the closet door open and they were really active. Still no flash though, so the pictures are a little blurry, and the video is not professional quality, but I guarantee smiles for all who see!
And here, the gray kitten on the right looks like he's hatching an escape plan. I didn't get it on camera but the two of them seemed really interested in the world beyond that little corner they've been living in. Big, expressive, blue eyes looking all over the place.
And finally another cute video, for your viewing pleasure!
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