Friday, May 1, 2009

So I jumped the gun in updating yesterday when today is the kittens' 2 week birthday! That little 5 second clip was just too cute to withhold another day! But, today was the first day I had the closet door open and they were really active. Still no flash though, so the pictures are a little blurry, and the video is not professional quality, but I guarantee smiles for all who see!

Here we get up close and personal with a curious little one. In the background the others are getting a little feisty with each other.

And here, the gray kitten on the right looks like he's hatching an escape plan. I didn't get it on camera but the two of them seemed really interested in the world beyond that little corner they've been living in. Big, expressive, blue eyes looking all over the place.

And finally another cute video, for your viewing pleasure!


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