Wednesday, August 12, 2009

"O hai, I haz Q and Z, you know word I can make?"

I hope that was as fun for you as it was for me! The next step in audience participation is a user poll! Up in the right hand corner you should see a poll about how often you visit the site. Take just a second to answer the question; it would be greatly appreciated! The poll closes on Wednesday August 19th, at 7am. If that is also a success then there might be more polls later! I've also started to upload my videos to, if that wasn't obvious. Now onto business!

Unfortunately, business isn't a kitten post, but a post dedicated to Mister and the wonderful home that we are making together.

"Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot, who calls you back when you
hang up on him, who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat, or
will stay awake just to watch you sleep... wait for the boy who kisses your
forehead, who wants to show you off to the world when you are in sweats, who
holds your hand in front of his friends, who thinks you're just as pretty
without makeup on. One who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares and
how lucky his is to have you.... The one who turns to his friends and says,
'that's her.'”

I went looking around on the Internet for a mushy quote about love, dedication, and all that other cliched stuff. Then I came across this one and thought, "That's Mister to a T!" When we first started going out, Mister would call me "Beautiful," and I'd say, "Who's that?" His answer, "Why don't you turn around and look in the mirror?" I promise that this post won't get overly gushy, I just realized how much he does for me and I want to let everyone know how much I want to thank him.

When I was on vacation in Florida, Mister would tell me every night that he had a surprise for me. I could tell from his voice, he was ready to burst with excitement! And that's just what I did when he brought me home from the airport. In the back yard, was the start of a patio deck and flower bed! Since moving into our home a little over a year ago, the back yard has been something we've neglected. The first task was to get the front yard looking nice and neat, so the step towards the backyard was exciting! Just this past weekend Mister put the finishing touches on it, and I got to help out a little bit!

Now we have a proper place to barbecue and have outside time. I still don't know what kind of flowers to put into the flower bed; I'll take suggestions! I'm thinking annuals that are pink and purple.

Another amazing feat that we finished this weekend was clearing out the third room in the house. For a couple of months, Mister's cousin was staying with us in our guest room, but once he left we piled everything that didn't have a designated place, in that room! It got so bad, the only walking space was a little path into and out from the room. Unfortunately, we didn't get a before picture but here is what the room looked like after some organizing:

And here's what the room looks like after we trashed a some unused and unnecessary items:

BIG DIFFERENCE! Now it can be used as an actual room again!

And for those out there that haven't had a chance to stop by and see the house, here's a little video of what it looks like:

Don't forget about the poll! Till next time y'all!


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