Monday, August 3, 2009
Today, instead of writing from our living room couch, I'm creating this post sitting under a gazebo, attached to an elegant, elevated deck, which extends over and looks down into a beautiful back yard. Here the inspiration of nature, fauna and flora, spills over me. The Robin Red-Breasts and butterflies soar from tree to tree; the chipmunks and squirrels scurry, and the crickets and other birds chirp. And despite the mosquitoes, everything is peaceful.

This weekend, Mister and I have been house/dog sitting and we love doing it! Last weekend, I did a little dog sitting of my own, in Florida! My parents suggested I come home for a weekend to help them out while they went on "vacation" (Dad had a meeting in Boca Raton and Mom went to enjoy the beach; more on that later!) . I jumped at the chance to spend time with my puppies Rambo and Rocky.



No, we are not Sylvester Stallone fans! When we first met the dog soon to be named "Rambo" at the pet shop, my brother commented that he was a rambunctious puppy; so the shortened name stuck! Years later, when Rocky came, we decided to continue the running joke and named him appropriately.

Rambo, unfortunately, is starting to get up there in age and his hips and knees are betraying him; he is no longer the able-bodied youngster that he thinks he is and, since I'm living in Georgia, I don't see much of him now a days. That poor puppy can't make the trip up the stairs or onto beds; he's not supposed to run after ducks, squirrels, or lizards; and the couch is off limits (but he still gets up there once in a while : P )! But when I walked into the house the first day I was home, I saw those puppy eyes shining bright! I wound up spending most of the time at home on the floor, because he wanted me near instead of on the couch!

Since my dad had to work that Friday, my mom and I went to check them into the hotel and register for the meetings. They were staying at the Waldorf Astoria Collection Boca Beach Club (real fancy shmancy!) with a whole bunch of other people from the meeting. From their room on the 12th floor you could see the pool, the intercoastal, the beach and ocean, and the lovely doom-looking rain clouds. That's right, "doom-looking rain clouds." The really sad thing was it rained in varying amounts everyday of my five day vacation, except the day I was leaving. Then the rain followed me to Georgia and stayed for another five days! But the beauty of the resort was resounding! There were flowers and trees of all different shapes and sizes!

Kapok tree

Can you see the little Bananas growing on the plant on the left? The one on the right is called Angels Trumpets.

That night, after leaving my parents in the lap of luxury, I spent some time with my grandparents. My grandfather and mother are huge fans of an author named Daniel Silva and he happened to be at the local bookstore for a book signing. My first book signing and I didn't even know who the author was! Boy did I feel awkward!

Left: Daniel Silva, Right: Zayde

I also had a ton of fun swimming with Rocky and little with Rambo!

I also went around the house taking pictures of my other paintings. Consider this a continuation from my first art work post.

During Fall of 2000, I was enrolled in a still life class that I genuinely enjoyed. It was the first time I used oil paints and played with light and color. There is a fourth to this series that my grandparents in New York own. The pears on the right I think is my favorite because of the symmetry in the fruit, one pointing up and one pointing down.

As a kid, I collected trading cards from a bunch of Disney movies. I took two of my favorite scenes from The Little Mermaid deck and decided to make them my own. The scene on the left is the final kiss between Ariel and Prince Eric (acrylic) and the scene on the right is when she wiggles her toes for the first time (oils).

More kittens later!

Missy ‹ 3 Mister


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