Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Last night, Mister and I were playing a rousing game of Scrabble when Savannah decided to join!
So I decided to see what you, out there, think the caption to these picture should be! I think its time for a little audience participation; here are the rules:
1. Must be family friendly.
2. Caption can be for one, two, or all pictures
3. Can also include Monkey's thoughts
4. Understand that this is for fun, so try and make it as funny as can be!
5. Submit your answers to the comment section! That way everyone can see what has been said and there are no repeats.
I'll keep checking back through the week and will announce the "winner" Monday. That way it gives you a little time to think about it (and hopefully decide to participate!)
1. Must be family friendly.
2. Caption can be for one, two, or all pictures
3. Can also include Monkey's thoughts
4. Understand that this is for fun, so try and make it as funny as can be!
5. Submit your answers to the comment section! That way everyone can see what has been said and there are no repeats.
I'll keep checking back through the week and will announce the "winner" Monday. That way it gives you a little time to think about it (and hopefully decide to participate!)
Now back to our regular scheduled programing.
Now back to our regular scheduled programing.
I know its been a while since my last kitten post, but hopefully these vignettes will appease your appetites. For instance, as the days roll on and the kittens are grow up, Mister and I have been trying to get back to normal; normal meaning "before kittens." We've begun to sleep with the door open again, and spend time on our weekends running errands and other things instead of obsessively fawning over kittens. So, last Wednesday night, Mister decided it was safe enough to try putting a roll of toilet paper back on the holder in the main bathroom. That had interesting results:

See the air vent in the picture? The way the air blows from it, moves the loose edge of the roll ever so slightly. Needless to say, the toilet paper went back into the cabinet!

See the air vent in the picture? The way the air blows from it, moves the loose edge of the roll ever so slightly. Needless to say, the toilet paper went back into the cabinet!
This past week was also kittens' first bath; another fun adventure (dripping sarcasm). Next weekend, Mister and I are having company and one of our guests is allergic to cats! I'm hoping a bath to get all their dander off will help decrease his reaction, if he has one. But, I've never given a cat a bath, let alone if you can! If cartoons have taught me anything, its that cats are deathly afraid of water; and as crazy as I am, I decided to give it a shot anyways. First, I took Savannah into the shower with me and I slowly cupped the water down her back. She didn't like it and tried to get away, but she wasn't screaming. After about a minute of torutre, I let her out only to find that Monkey came into the bathroom to investigate. So, I grabbed him up and brought him into the shower, and he did not like it at all! He clawed his way up my shoulder and made a flying leap to anywhere but the shower.

A wet, pissed off Monkey!

A wet, pissed off Monkey!
The next day, Kitty and Savannah had a "litter box incident" and Savannah had to go for a full wash down! Mister, bravely volunteered to bathe her, but first we had to catch the little bugger! She ran this way and that way, under the bed, over the bed and miraculously, the "incident" on her didn't get anywhere (THANK GOD!) Once caught, Mister ran to the bathroom and closed the door so Savannah couldn't escape. I hear the water running, followed by some choice words from Mister, then a howling that I didn't think a kitten that size could make! It sounded like he was trying to pull her tail off! Of course, Kitty now hears her baby crying out in agony and runs to the bathroom door and tries in vain to get into the bathroom. Finally, after about five minutes the shower is done.

Savannah didn't want anything to do with us afterwards! She even looks enraged in this photo!
After that picture was taken, he came out from under the blanket and fell asleep next to me. This morning, I realized why I find this kitten so cute when he sleeps:

Like Mister, Like Kitten!
Savannah and Monkey also remind me of my brother and me when we were kids.
It's also nice to know they still go crazy over the laser pointer!
Thats all for now folks! Remember to be good followers and at least make an attempt at the caption contest. From Mister, Missy, Kitty, Monkey, and Savvy "Have a wonderful week!"

Savannah didn't want anything to do with us afterwards! She even looks enraged in this photo!
As usual, Monkey is still obsessed with our shoes and now has started enjoying the comforts of blankets. Just yesterday I was sitting on the couch next to a blanket and Mr. Monkey began to play with it, trying to find a way under it. I helped him out a little by covering him up. Ten minutes pass, before I realize, he never came out!
After that picture was taken, he came out from under the blanket and fell asleep next to me. This morning, I realized why I find this kitten so cute when he sleeps:

Like Mister, Like Kitten!
Savannah and Monkey also remind me of my brother and me when we were kids.
It's also nice to know they still go crazy over the laser pointer!
Thats all for now folks! Remember to be good followers and at least make an attempt at the caption contest. From Mister, Missy, Kitty, Monkey, and Savvy "Have a wonderful week!"

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Welcome to Missy's Corner
Keep coming back to see updates about Monkey, Savannah, and Kitty! Leave comments if you feel so inclined!
"O hai, I haz Q and Z, you know word I can make?"
No caption but I gotta say, wet cats look like the gremlins AFTER they eat after midnight.
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