Thursday, August 27, 2009

On the other hand, we have those that are satisfied with staying on Terra

All that was before I met Mister and his father.
I know you have to be wondering, "why in a blog about kittens and personal art, is this girl talking about space and flying?" Well, Mister forwarded me a video from his father that was so inspirational, I just had to share it with as many people as I can! In the video, a British reporter gets the chance to go for the ride of his life, one that many of us would envy. The Lockheed U-2 "is a single-engine, very high-altitude surveillance aircraft flown by the United States Air Force," that was created as a spy plane in the 1950's. This video gives a breathtaking look at what the world looks like from 70,000 feet in the air.
Now I know why Mister loves the skies and my friend loves space.
Special thanks:
To Jerry Shockey for showing me there is nothing to be afraid of when flying;
To Mister for convincing me to go for that first 140 flight, and letting me have most of the day's air time;
To Retired United States Air Force Technical Sergeant Ed Hurst for passing the video along to friends and colleagues;
And finally, to Professional Pilot News for publishing the video on their blog.
Special thanks:
To Jerry Shockey for showing me there is nothing to be afraid of when flying;
To Mister for convincing me to go for that first 140 flight, and letting me have most of the day's air time;
To Retired United States Air Force Technical Sergeant Ed Hurst for passing the video along to friends and colleagues;
And finally, to Professional Pilot News for publishing the video on their blog.
Friday, August 21, 2009

That is the only word that could describe this past week. It all started last Thursday when my brother and grandparents came for a visit; the whole week leading up to then, we spent cleaning the house, doing laundry, and giving cats baths all for this very moment. My grandparents were one of the first guests to stay in the house when we bought it and my brother had never seen it. I'd like to think Mister and I have taken the time since my grandparents first visit to add our own little flare and coziness to the house. I was also really nervous that someone would get really bored, which for company is never good.

Monkey lounging while Papa does his exercises

Maga and Eric checking something interesting out on the computer (I think it was Goldendoodles)

Monkey lounging while Papa does his exercises

Maga and Eric checking something interesting out on the computer (I think it was Goldendoodles)
Turned out I had nothing to worry about! We spent most of Friday and Saturday "garage-sale"-ing; I found a bunch listed on Craigslist in the area and a few random ones, and boy did we find some amazing stuff! For instance, at one estate sale the homeowners were trying to unload an actual Mellow Mushroom sign! Neither of them could remember how or who they got it from, too; I guess it just appeared one morning!

They also had a really cute table and chairs set that Mister and I picked up for the back porch, and my bro got a leather jacket!

The table could use some work, but for $20 I wasn't turning it down!

The table could use some work, but for $20 I wasn't turning it down!
Friday afternoon and into the early evening, My grandparents, brother and I decided to check out the Atlanta Botanical Gardens. I have lived in Georgia now for four years, and didn't know Atlanta had a botanical garden until that horrific walkway collapse back in December; needless to say, I had my reservations. But once inside the orchid house, those feelings of doubt were blow through the glass roof!
I was so inspired by all the colors that everything at home was more beautiful then ever! It was like a fog was lifted from my mind's eye and everything became potential for artwork! We got an some amazing origami roses from one of Mister's friend that came alive for me! I set up a scene in the bonus room and painted my little heart out!

This was the first time in a very long time I did a still life scene like this. My roses turned out a little abstract, but the candlestick holders were brilliant!

This was the first time in a very long time I did a still life scene like this. My roses turned out a little abstract, but the candlestick holders were brilliant!
After such an amazing session, I wanted to go back to the gardens to paint the orchids, but realized that my art supplies bucket wasn't appropriate. Up until now, I've been keeping my paints, canvases, brushes and other supplies in an empty kitty litter box (yeah I know...).

I had the idea to decoupage the box with pictures of my other paintings to make it look a little nicer. Unfortunately, websites suggest you don't use pictures printed on an inkjet printer because the colors will run. So I scratched that idea and decided to do a ribbon pattern on the bucket instead.

I still have a little ways to go before I consider it finished but you get the gist!

I still have a little ways to go before I consider it finished but you get the gist!
And the inspiration didn't stop there! When I came home from running errands yesterday my eye caught glimpse of a huge spider web! This thing was at least three feet in diameter! Then I saw the spider:

I ran back inside after taking these and googled "big yellow spider" and found out the spider is commonly known as the "Yellow Garden Spider"; who would have thought!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009


"O hai, I haz Q and Z, you know word I can make?"
I hope that was as fun for you as it was for me! The next step in audience participation is a user poll! Up in the right hand corner you should see a poll about how often you visit the site. Take just a second to answer the question; it would be greatly appreciated! The poll closes on Wednesday August 19th, at 7am. If that is also a success then there might be more polls later! I've also started to upload my videos to, if that wasn't obvious. Now onto business!
Unfortunately, business isn't a kitten post, but a post dedicated to Mister and the wonderful home that we are making together.
Unfortunately, business isn't a kitten post, but a post dedicated to Mister and the wonderful home that we are making together.
"Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot, who calls you back when you
hang up on him, who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat, or
will stay awake just to watch you sleep... wait for the boy who kisses your
forehead, who wants to show you off to the world when you are in sweats, who
holds your hand in front of his friends, who thinks you're just as pretty
without makeup on. One who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares and
how lucky his is to have you.... The one who turns to his friends and says,
'that's her.'”
I went looking around on the Internet for a mushy quote about love, dedication, and all that other cliched stuff. Then I came across this one and thought, "That's Mister to a T!" When we first started going out, Mister would call me "Beautiful," and I'd say, "Who's that?" His answer, "Why don't you turn around and look in the mirror?" I promise that this post won't get overly gushy, I just realized how much he does for me and I want to let everyone know how much I want to thank him.
When I was on vacation in Florida, Mister would tell me every night that he had a surprise for me. I could tell from his voice, he was ready to burst with excitement! And that's just what I did when he brought me home from the airport. In the back yard, was the start of a patio deck and flower bed! Since moving into our home a little over a year ago, the back yard has been something we've neglected. The first task was to get the front yard looking nice and neat, so the step towards the backyard was exciting! Just this past weekend Mister put the finishing touches on it, and I got to help out a little bit!

When I was on vacation in Florida, Mister would tell me every night that he had a surprise for me. I could tell from his voice, he was ready to burst with excitement! And that's just what I did when he brought me home from the airport. In the back yard, was the start of a patio deck and flower bed! Since moving into our home a little over a year ago, the back yard has been something we've neglected. The first task was to get the front yard looking nice and neat, so the step towards the backyard was exciting! Just this past weekend Mister put the finishing touches on it, and I got to help out a little bit!

Now we have a proper place to barbecue and have outside time. I still don't know what kind of flowers to put into the flower bed; I'll take suggestions! I'm thinking annuals that are pink and purple.
Another amazing feat that we finished this weekend was clearing out the third room in the house. For a couple of months, Mister's cousin was staying with us in our guest room, but once he left we piled everything that didn't have a designated place, in that room! It got so bad, the only walking space was a little path into and out from the room. Unfortunately, we didn't get a before picture but here is what the room looked like after some organizing:

And here's what the room looks like after we trashed a some unused and unnecessary items:

Another amazing feat that we finished this weekend was clearing out the third room in the house. For a couple of months, Mister's cousin was staying with us in our guest room, but once he left we piled everything that didn't have a designated place, in that room! It got so bad, the only walking space was a little path into and out from the room. Unfortunately, we didn't get a before picture but here is what the room looked like after some organizing:

And here's what the room looks like after we trashed a some unused and unnecessary items:

BIG DIFFERENCE! Now it can be used as an actual room again!
And for those out there that haven't had a chance to stop by and see the house, here's a little video of what it looks like:
Don't forget about the poll! Till next time y'all!
And for those out there that haven't had a chance to stop by and see the house, here's a little video of what it looks like:
Don't forget about the poll! Till next time y'all!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Last night, Mister and I were playing a rousing game of Scrabble when Savannah decided to join!
So I decided to see what you, out there, think the caption to these picture should be! I think its time for a little audience participation; here are the rules:
1. Must be family friendly.
2. Caption can be for one, two, or all pictures
3. Can also include Monkey's thoughts
4. Understand that this is for fun, so try and make it as funny as can be!
5. Submit your answers to the comment section! That way everyone can see what has been said and there are no repeats.
I'll keep checking back through the week and will announce the "winner" Monday. That way it gives you a little time to think about it (and hopefully decide to participate!)
1. Must be family friendly.
2. Caption can be for one, two, or all pictures
3. Can also include Monkey's thoughts
4. Understand that this is for fun, so try and make it as funny as can be!
5. Submit your answers to the comment section! That way everyone can see what has been said and there are no repeats.
I'll keep checking back through the week and will announce the "winner" Monday. That way it gives you a little time to think about it (and hopefully decide to participate!)
Now back to our regular scheduled programing.
Now back to our regular scheduled programing.
I know its been a while since my last kitten post, but hopefully these vignettes will appease your appetites. For instance, as the days roll on and the kittens are grow up, Mister and I have been trying to get back to normal; normal meaning "before kittens." We've begun to sleep with the door open again, and spend time on our weekends running errands and other things instead of obsessively fawning over kittens. So, last Wednesday night, Mister decided it was safe enough to try putting a roll of toilet paper back on the holder in the main bathroom. That had interesting results:

See the air vent in the picture? The way the air blows from it, moves the loose edge of the roll ever so slightly. Needless to say, the toilet paper went back into the cabinet!

See the air vent in the picture? The way the air blows from it, moves the loose edge of the roll ever so slightly. Needless to say, the toilet paper went back into the cabinet!
This past week was also kittens' first bath; another fun adventure (dripping sarcasm). Next weekend, Mister and I are having company and one of our guests is allergic to cats! I'm hoping a bath to get all their dander off will help decrease his reaction, if he has one. But, I've never given a cat a bath, let alone if you can! If cartoons have taught me anything, its that cats are deathly afraid of water; and as crazy as I am, I decided to give it a shot anyways. First, I took Savannah into the shower with me and I slowly cupped the water down her back. She didn't like it and tried to get away, but she wasn't screaming. After about a minute of torutre, I let her out only to find that Monkey came into the bathroom to investigate. So, I grabbed him up and brought him into the shower, and he did not like it at all! He clawed his way up my shoulder and made a flying leap to anywhere but the shower.

A wet, pissed off Monkey!

A wet, pissed off Monkey!
The next day, Kitty and Savannah had a "litter box incident" and Savannah had to go for a full wash down! Mister, bravely volunteered to bathe her, but first we had to catch the little bugger! She ran this way and that way, under the bed, over the bed and miraculously, the "incident" on her didn't get anywhere (THANK GOD!) Once caught, Mister ran to the bathroom and closed the door so Savannah couldn't escape. I hear the water running, followed by some choice words from Mister, then a howling that I didn't think a kitten that size could make! It sounded like he was trying to pull her tail off! Of course, Kitty now hears her baby crying out in agony and runs to the bathroom door and tries in vain to get into the bathroom. Finally, after about five minutes the shower is done.

Savannah didn't want anything to do with us afterwards! She even looks enraged in this photo!
After that picture was taken, he came out from under the blanket and fell asleep next to me. This morning, I realized why I find this kitten so cute when he sleeps:

Like Mister, Like Kitten!
Savannah and Monkey also remind me of my brother and me when we were kids.
It's also nice to know they still go crazy over the laser pointer!
Thats all for now folks! Remember to be good followers and at least make an attempt at the caption contest. From Mister, Missy, Kitty, Monkey, and Savvy "Have a wonderful week!"

Savannah didn't want anything to do with us afterwards! She even looks enraged in this photo!
As usual, Monkey is still obsessed with our shoes and now has started enjoying the comforts of blankets. Just yesterday I was sitting on the couch next to a blanket and Mr. Monkey began to play with it, trying to find a way under it. I helped him out a little by covering him up. Ten minutes pass, before I realize, he never came out!
After that picture was taken, he came out from under the blanket and fell asleep next to me. This morning, I realized why I find this kitten so cute when he sleeps:

Like Mister, Like Kitten!
Savannah and Monkey also remind me of my brother and me when we were kids.
It's also nice to know they still go crazy over the laser pointer!
Thats all for now folks! Remember to be good followers and at least make an attempt at the caption contest. From Mister, Missy, Kitty, Monkey, and Savvy "Have a wonderful week!"

Monday, August 3, 2009

For some reason this video didn't want to go into my last post. Mister suggested to just put it in a separate one so here it is!
If anyone out in the blogosphere doesn't have a Wii, then I suggest you go and find a family memeber or friend that does have one and play some Wii Sports Resort. The Wii MotionPlus sensor picks up even the smallest of movements making game play much more accurate. There is "achery," "basketball," and "skydiving!" My favorite is the sword fighting! Watching my mom and dad playing was hilarious!
If anyone out in the blogosphere doesn't have a Wii, then I suggest you go and find a family memeber or friend that does have one and play some Wii Sports Resort. The Wii MotionPlus sensor picks up even the smallest of movements making game play much more accurate. There is "achery," "basketball," and "skydiving!" My favorite is the sword fighting! Watching my mom and dad playing was hilarious!

Today, instead of writing from our living room couch, I'm creating this post sitting under a gazebo, attached to an elegant, elevated deck, which extends over and looks down into a beautiful back yard. Here the inspiration of nature, fauna and flora, spills over me. The Robin Red-Breasts and butterflies soar from tree to tree; the chipmunks and squirrels scurry, and the crickets and other birds chirp. And despite the mosquitoes, everything is peaceful.
This weekend, Mister and I have been house/dog sitting and we love doing it! Last weekend, I did a little dog sitting of my own, in Florida! My parents suggested I come home for a weekend to help them out while they went on "vacation" (Dad had a meeting in Boca Raton and Mom went to enjoy the beach; more on that later!) . I jumped at the chance to spend time with my puppies Rambo and Rocky.

This weekend, Mister and I have been house/dog sitting and we love doing it! Last weekend, I did a little dog sitting of my own, in Florida! My parents suggested I come home for a weekend to help them out while they went on "vacation" (Dad had a meeting in Boca Raton and Mom went to enjoy the beach; more on that later!) . I jumped at the chance to spend time with my puppies Rambo and Rocky.


No, we are not Sylvester Stallone fans! When we first met the dog soon to be named "Rambo" at the pet shop, my brother commented that he was a rambunctious puppy; so the shortened name stuck! Years later, when Rocky came, we decided to continue the running joke and named him appropriately.
Rambo, unfortunately, is starting to get up there in age and his hips and knees are betraying him; he is no longer the able-bodied youngster that he thinks he is and, since I'm living in Georgia, I don't see much of him now a days. That poor puppy can't make the trip up the stairs or onto beds; he's not supposed to run after ducks, squirrels, or lizards; and the couch is off limits (but he still gets up there once in a while : P )! But when I walked into the house the first day I was home, I saw those puppy eyes shining bright! I wound up spending most of the time at home on the floor, because he wanted me near instead of on the couch!
Since my dad had to work that Friday, my mom and I went to check them into the hotel and register for the meetings. They were staying at the Waldorf Astoria Collection Boca Beach Club (real fancy shmancy!) with a whole bunch of other people from the meeting. From their room on the 12th floor you could see the pool, the intercoastal, the beach and ocean, and the lovely doom-looking rain clouds. That's right, "doom-looking rain clouds." The really sad thing was it rained in varying amounts everyday of my five day vacation, except the day I was leaving. Then the rain followed me to Georgia and stayed for another five days! But the beauty of the resort was resounding! There were flowers and trees of all different shapes and sizes!
Kapok tree

Can you see the little Bananas growing on the plant on the left? The one on the right is called Angels Trumpets.
Rambo, unfortunately, is starting to get up there in age and his hips and knees are betraying him; he is no longer the able-bodied youngster that he thinks he is and, since I'm living in Georgia, I don't see much of him now a days. That poor puppy can't make the trip up the stairs or onto beds; he's not supposed to run after ducks, squirrels, or lizards; and the couch is off limits (but he still gets up there once in a while : P )! But when I walked into the house the first day I was home, I saw those puppy eyes shining bright! I wound up spending most of the time at home on the floor, because he wanted me near instead of on the couch!
Since my dad had to work that Friday, my mom and I went to check them into the hotel and register for the meetings. They were staying at the Waldorf Astoria Collection Boca Beach Club (real fancy shmancy!) with a whole bunch of other people from the meeting. From their room on the 12th floor you could see the pool, the intercoastal, the beach and ocean, and the lovely doom-looking rain clouds. That's right, "doom-looking rain clouds." The really sad thing was it rained in varying amounts everyday of my five day vacation, except the day I was leaving. Then the rain followed me to Georgia and stayed for another five days! But the beauty of the resort was resounding! There were flowers and trees of all different shapes and sizes!

Kapok tree

Can you see the little Bananas growing on the plant on the left? The one on the right is called Angels Trumpets.
That night, after leaving my parents in the lap of luxury, I spent some time with my grandparents. My grandfather and mother are huge fans of an author named Daniel Silva and he happened to be at the local bookstore for a book signing. My first book signing and I didn't even know who the author was! Boy did I feel awkward!
Left: Daniel Silva, Right: Zayde

I also had a ton of fun swimming with Rocky and little with Rambo!
I also went around the house taking pictures of my other paintings. Consider this a continuation from my first art work post.

During Fall of 2000, I was enrolled in a still life class that I genuinely enjoyed. It was the first time I used oil paints and played with light and color. There is a fourth to this series that my grandparents in New York own. The pears on the right I think is my favorite because of the symmetry in the fruit, one pointing up and one pointing down.

As a kid, I collected trading cards from a bunch of Disney movies. I took two of my favorite scenes from The Little Mermaid deck and decided to make them my own. The scene on the left is the final kiss between Ariel and Prince Eric (acrylic) and the scene on the right is when she wiggles her toes for the first time (oils).
More kittens later!
Missy ‹ 3 Mister
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